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Two soldiers One bullet
Major Tummy Upset is Offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Default Two soldiers One bullet - 11-20-2003, 07:29 AM

Charging around the usual FFA madness yesterday and shot two guys (one was stood behind the other) with one bullet from my Springfield! Thought: wow, never done that before! I've droped more than one at the same time before but always with an SMG.

Then to check out this crazy ballistic phenomenon I ran a 'bots' game, you know, the sort that the enemy stack up until you cross some invisable tripwire of code? Anyhoo, in the hunt bots game I ran into three bots nicely in a line and nailed them all with one bullet!

I was just wondering what the record would be? What is the most number of soldiers you can shoot with one shot if they stand in a line? I'm just imagining winning an objective round by wiping out the entire other side with one perfectly aligned shot.
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