11-20-2003, 05:13 PM
Owned was a term used in competitive sports long before you kiddo's got a hold of it. Mostly used in an indiviual sport, such as running, but is also usable in a team sport if grudges between rival players arise. Being "owned" by someone back in my day was racing someone until one of us "broke". After repeat breakings, and you no longer felt that person offered you a challnge, you were considered to "own" that person.
"Holy shit i broke (insert arch rival here) at the 3rd mile."
"Damn i took him down on the 5th lap today."
"Didnt i just lap that fag?"
= You "owning" your once arch rival. Special lingo that has probably been around long before my time. Condiering i picked it up from the outgoing class and i know it was still very common verbage when i left.
I have used GG on a few occasions when i wanted to confuse my target, or simply have them make that funny "wtf" face. I have also put asshat into common usage.
Break/Broke: Eliminating someone of your training level and skills will to continue, by out "gutting" him. Gutting in this case is going beyond your and his training levels to see who has a stonger "will to win". He who gives up first, is broken.