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geforce3 is Offline
Junior Member
Posts: 2
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: dfshf
Default 01-29-2002, 10:56 AM

--- Common Initialization ---
Medal of Honor Allied Assault 1.10 win-x86 Jan 22 2002
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
f:allied assultmainpak6.pk3 (61 files)
f:allied assultmainPak5.pk3 (259 files)
f:allied assultmainPak4.pk3 (593 files)
f:allied assultmainPak3.pk3 (669 files)
f:allied assultmainPak2.pk3 (4722 files)
f:allied assultmainPak1.pk3 (772 files)
f:allied assultmainPak0.pk3 (11175 files)
f:allied assult/main

18251 files in pk3 files
execing default.cfg
execing menu.cfg
execing newconfig.cfg
Config: unnamedsoldier.cfg
execing configs/unnamedsoldier.cfg
execing newconfig.cfg
couldn't exec localized.cfg
execing autoexec.cfg
Unknown command "fov"
couldn't exec custom.cfg
...detecting CPU, found Intel Pentium III

------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput...
Couldn't set DI coop level
Falling back to Win32 mouse support...
------- Input Initialization Complete ------- 162
You are now setup for easy mode.
----- Client Initialization -----
Called FadeSound with: 0.000000
----- Initializing Renderer ----
----- R_Init -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'C:WINNTSystem32opengl32.dll' ): succeeded
...setting mode 4: 800 600 FS
...using colorsbits of 32
...calling CDS: ok
...registered window class
...created window@0,0 (800x600)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...GLW_ChoosePFD( 32, 24, 8 )
...61 PFDs found
...hardware acceleration found
...PIXELFORMAT 5 selected
...creating GL context: succeeded
...making context current: succeeded
Initializing OpenGL extensions
...ignoring GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
...ignoring GL_ARB_texture_compression
...using GL_EXT_texture_env_add
...using WGL_EXT_swap_control
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...ignoring GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
...using GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
...WGL_3DFX_gamma_control not found

GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_multitexture
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_compression
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_env_add
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_transpose_matrix
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_blend_minmax
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_blend_subtract
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_packed_pixels
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_paletted_texture
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_point_parameters
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_rescale_normal
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_secondary_color
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_env_add
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_cube_map
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_object
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_vertex_array
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_vertex_weighting
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_KTX_buffer_region
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_blend_square
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_fog_distance
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_light_max_exponent
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_register_combiners
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_register_combiners2
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_texgen_reflection
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_texture_env_combine4
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_texture_rectangle
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_texture_shader
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_texture_shader2
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_vertex_array_range
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_vertex_array_range2
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_vertex_program
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_SGIX_depth_texture

PIXELFORMAT: color(32-bits) Z(24-bit) stencil(8-bits)
MODE: 4, 800 x 600 fullscreen hz:60
GAMMA: hardware w/ 0 overbright bits
CPU: Intel Pentium III
rendering primitives: single glDrawElements
picmip: 1
texture bits: 32
multitexture: enabled
compiled vertex arrays: enabled
texenv add: enabled
compressed textures: disabled
Initializing Shaders
Setting up Shaders
----- finished R_Init -----
------- profiling DrawBackground methods -------
glDrawPixels w/ BGR: 10284 clocks
glDrawPixels w/ RGB: 6736 clocks
glTexSubImage2D w/ BGR: 2556120 clocks
glTexSubImage2D w/ RGB: 1990772 clocks
DrawBackground: using glDrawPixels with RGB data
------ Force Feedback Initialization -----
Loading ff...
ff: Creating feedback device:
ff: ff mouse found
Failed to load ff dll
--------- Force Feedback Shutdown --------
Winsock Initialized
Opening IP socket: localhost:12203
Hostname: partap
------- Sound Initialization (full) -------
Sound opened using Direct Sound
'Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio' provider opened.
Loading global/sound0.txt
------- S_StopAllSounds (stop music) -------
------- S_StopAllSounds Complete-------
----- Sound Info -----
driver - Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio
speaker setup - 2 speakers
reverb - OFF
samplebits - 16
speed - 22050
------- Sound Initialization Complete ------- 636 ms
Setting up Shaders
Loading inventory...
----- Client Initialization Complete ----- 5480 ms
--- Common Initialization Complete --- 7886 ms
Working directory: f:allied assult
Loading Localization File global/localization.txt
------- S_StopAllSounds (stop music) -------
------- S_StopAllSounds Complete-------
Called FadeSound with: 0.000000
------- S_StopAllSounds (stop music) -------
------- S_StopAllSounds Complete------- resolved to
UI_DrawConnect called
------- S_StopAllSounds (stop music) -------
------- S_StopAllSounds Complete-------
Called FadeSound with: 0.000000
Called FadeSound with: 0.000000
------- Sound Begin Registration -------
------- S_StopAllSounds (stop music) -------
------- S_StopAllSounds Complete-------
------- Sound Begin Registration Complete -------
UI_DrawConnect called

-----------PARSING UBERSOUND------------
Any SetCurrentTiki errors means that tiki wasn't prefetched and tiki-specific sounds for it won't work. To fix prefetch the tiki. Ignore if you don't use that tiki on this level.
Parse/Load time: 19.110000 seconds.
-------------UBERSOUND DONE---------------

-----------PARSING UBERDIALOG------------
Any SetCurrentTiki errors means that tiki wasn't prefetched and tiki-specific sounds for it won't work. To fix prefetch the tiki. Ignore if you don't use that tiki on this level.
Parse/Load time: 1.491000 seconds.
-------------UBERDIALOG DONE---------------

stitched 696 LoD cracks
...loaded 11507 faces, 534 meshes, 0 trisurfs, 0 flares
----------- Loading DCL file maps/dm/mohdm7.dcl ---------
!!! BSP file is newer than DCL file.
!!! The DCL file needs to be updated.
------ Finished loading DCL file maps/dm/mohdm7.dcl -----
^~^~^ Box data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
^~^~^ Morph targets data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
^~^~^ CGame (Event: 'avelocity', Object: 'ClientGameCommandManager') : Index 5 out of range
^~^~^ CG_ProcessInitCommands: Bad init client command 'avelocity' in 'models/emitters/lightswarmers_small.tik'
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_paper_lite.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_paper_hard.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_wood_lite.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_wood_hard.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_metal_lite.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_metal_hard.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_stone_lite.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_stone_hard.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_dirt_lite.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_dirt_hard.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_grass_lite.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_grass_hard.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_mud_lite.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_mud_hard.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_water_lite.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_water_hard.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_glass_lite.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_glass_hard.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_sand_lite.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_sand_hard.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_foliage_lite.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_foliage_hard.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_snow_lite.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_snow_hard.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_carpet_lite.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_carpet_hard.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_human_uniform_lite.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bh_human_uniform_hard.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/water_trail_bubble.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/grenexp_base.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/bazookaexp_base.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/grenexp_paper.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/grenexp_wood.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/grenexp_metal.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/grenexp_stone.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/grenexp_dirt.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/grenexp_grass.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/grenexp_mud.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/grenexp_water.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/grenexp_gravel.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/grenexp_sand.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/grenexp_foliage.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/grenexp_snow.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/grenexp_carpet.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/water_ripple_still.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/water_ripple_moving.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/barrel_oil_leak_big.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/barrel_oil_leak_medium.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/barrel_oil_leak_small.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/barrel_oil_leak_splat.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/barrel_water_leak_big.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/barrel_water_leak_medium.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/barrel_water_leak_small.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/barrel_water_leak_splat.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/fs_light_dust.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/fs_heavy_dust.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/fs_dirt.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/fs_grass.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/fs_mud.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/fs_puddle.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/fs_sand.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/fs_snow.tik
------- Sound End Registration -------
------- Sound End Registration Complete -------
CL_EndRegistration: 0.03 seconds
CL_InitCGame: 62.54 seconds

ERROR PlaySound: needs an alias in ubersound.scr or uberdialog.scr - Please fix.

ERROR PlaySound: needs an alias in ubersound.scr or uberdialog.scr - Please fix.

ERROR PlaySound: needs an alias in ubersound.scr or uberdialog.scr - Please fix.

ERROR PlaySound: needs an alias in ubersound.scr or uberdialog.scr - Please fix.
Called FadeSound with: 0.000000
|D[]G[]Ta|_ has entered the battle
BAZBOW was sniped by McBagpipes in the upper torso
BAZBOW was perforated by General_Crazy's SMG in the upper torso
McBagpipes was sniped by SUDDEN DEATH in the neck
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
CG_MakeBulletTracer: MAX_BULLER_TRACERS exceeded
WARNING: CG_ReadNextSnapshot: way out of range, 2481 > 669
Mutilator was sniped by SUDDEN DEATH in the upper torso
|D[]G[]Ta|_ was sniped by SUDDEN DEATH in the upper torso
BAZBOW was sniped by SUDDEN DEATH in the head
Mutilator was machine-gunned by BAZBOW in the lower torso
McBagpipes was perforated by General_Crazy's SMG in the pelvis
SUDDEN DEATH was machine-gunned by BAZBOW in the middle torso
BAZBOW was perforated by General_Crazy's SMG in the upper right arm
SUDDEN DEATH is picking McBagpipes's shrapnel out of his teeth
BAZBOW was sniped by McBagpipes in the lower torso
McBagpipes was perforated by General_Crazy's SMG in the upper right arm
McBagpipes was machine-gunned by BAZBOW in the head
BAZBOW was perforated by General_Crazy's SMG in the upper torso
SUDDEN DEATH took Mutilator's rocket right in the kisser
Mutilator was perforated by General_Crazy's SMG in the pelvis
General_Crazy was machine-gunned by McBagpipes in the lower torso
Mutilator was sniped by |D[]G[]Ta|_ in the upper torso
You killed Mutilator
SUDDEN DEATH was machine-gunned by BAZBOW in the middle torso
General_Crazy was sniped by |D[]G[]Ta|_ in the upper torso
You killed General_Crazy
BAZBOW took Mutilator's rocket in the face
McBagpipes was sniped by SUDDEN DEATH in the upper torso
SUDDEN DEATH was machine-gunned by McBagpipes in the upper torso
SUDDEN DEATH was machine-gunned by McBagpipes in the upper right leg
BAZBOW was blown away by Mutilator
Mutilator was machine-gunned by McBagpipes in the pelvis
McBagpipes was perforated by General_Crazy's SMG in the upper right leg
Mutilator was sniped by SUDDEN DEATH in the neck
General_Crazy was machine-gunned by McBagpipes in the lower left leg
General_Crazy was machine-gunned by BAZBOW in the upper right leg
BAZBOW was machine-gunned by McBagpipes in the lower left arm
McBagpipes was sniped by SUDDEN DEATH in the upper torso
------- S_StopAllSounds (don't stop music) -------
------- S_StopAllSounds Complete-------
Called FadeSound with: 0.000000
Called FadeSound with: 0.000000
------- S_StopAllSounds (stop music) -------
------- S_StopAllSounds Complete-------
Called FadeSound with: 0.000000
------- S_StopAllSounds (stop music) -------
------- S_StopAllSounds Complete-------
Called FadeSound with: 0.000000
Called FadeSound with: 0.000000
Setting up Shaders
------- Sound Begin Registration -------
------- S_StopAllSounds (stop music) -------
------- S_StopAllSounds Complete-------
------- Sound Begin Registration Complete -------
UI_DrawConnect called

-----------PARSING UBERSOUND------------
Any SetCurrentTiki errors means that tiki wasn't prefetched and tiki-specific sounds for it won't work. To fix prefetch the tiki. Ignore if you don't use that tiki on this level.
Parse/Load time: 0.131000 seconds.
-------------UBERSOUND DONE---------------

-----------PARSING UBERDIALOG------------
Any SetCurrentTiki errors means that tiki wasn't prefetched and tiki-specific sounds for it won't work. To fix prefetch the tiki. Ignore if you don't use that tiki on this level.
Parse/Load time: 1.630000 seconds.
-------------UBERDIALOG DONE---------------

stitched 0 LoD cracks
...loaded 6043 faces, 120 meshes, 0 trisurfs, 0 flares
Cmd_AddCommand: ter_restart already defined
----- CL_Shutdown -----
------- S_StopAllSounds (stop music) -------
------- S_StopAllSounds Complete-------
Called FadeSound with: 0.000000
------- S_StopAllSounds (stop music) -------
------- S_StopAllSounds Complete-------
------- Sound Shutdown (full) -------
------- Sound Shutdown Complete -------
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...hiding window
...destroying window
...window successfully destroyed
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
Tried to read from a zip file textures/models/items/tall_pitcher.tga that was not open

as u can see everytime the france map comes on in the mp game the game quits and says this in the window thingi i reinstalled the game and everything i have the 1.1 patch i can play every other map online except this one its relly annoying me somene please help
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