Thread: Lingo
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Default Lingo - 11-21-2003, 02:48 PM

Speaking of that thread, I find it hard to even visit these forums knowing people walk around all day saying "OMFG GG N00BERSTEIN, I PWNED JOOZ!!!" and all that crap. . .

BUT! I do want to know what type of lingo you do use. Try to stay away from inside jokes, so you don't corn-fuse people.

"Man up, woman" = Usually during drinking, if alachol is poured in your glass, you drink it, no if's, and's, or but's.

"What's, up, slut." = Say each word like it's one word, kinda like "Me, Myself, I". Slut is most commonly used, but can be changed for anything, really. Meant to just be a type of excitement.

"Just call out, it'll be ok, call out!!!" = You're getting drunk, you're not going to work in the morning. I've heard this too many times.

"SHUT UP!" = Say it like Arnold Schwartzanegger. Same use, just said differently.
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