11-24-2003, 04:59 AM
I hate KOTOR! Ever since I started playing, my sleep time has drastically
dimished to a point where I simply don't sleep at all! "Just one more quest"
"Just three more Pazaak games" "I'll explore the rest of this area first" etc.
I'm definitely loving being a Jedi (I can't bring myself to be an ass just yet)
But really, I love it. My only beef is that even with crystal powerups, your
sabre is still too weak (as if you'd need so many strikes to kill someone).
A minor nitpick, really. The game runs very well on my system (1.2G, 640
SD RAM, GF4 Ti4600).
Do you want to laugh ? I made a REAL fucking PAZAAK DECK.
Yes. I actually designed, printed and laminated game cards.