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Re: Second hand WEED inhaling
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Default Re: Second hand WEED inhaling - 11-24-2003, 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by Tripper
You guys are all Weed n00bs.

Originally Posted by gtboys34
i was at this " party" this weekend and umm, everybody there just about were smoking weed with all the windows shut and the door opening almost never... i was just wondering if there is anyway that another person could get high from weed smoke even though that person didn't "hit" it?
First of all, you would KNOW if you were high. Believe me. There is no doubt about that.
Secondly, yes. It is possible to get high when you're not directly "taking a hit" from the apparatus.

However, you would need to be there for a while, and you'd need to directly inhale a lot of smoke before it had any effect on you. Which is highly unlikely.

Like I said - You'd know if you were high.

Originally Posted by gtboys34
CRAP!!!. I told those dumbass nigga's (im black, i can say this ) that. Errrr, they were like "man, you dont know. You have to just get use to it" annoy: . The reason i was worried was b/c the guy who was driving was there( he doesn't smoke) but his dumbass wanted to stay there and party with those friggin crack heads annoy: . Man, have you guys ever lost any number of your friends to drugs and or a bad life style? It was kinda disapointing (sp?) to see my former buddies who i grew up with just smoking and getting drunk and crap. Guess i chose the right path....
I'm sick of people like you. Stop judging people that smoke weed.
You're the last person that should be doing so, because you clearly know NOTHING about the "drug," at all.
WTH tripp, tell me how i judged them, by implying that they're just wasting away their lives? Well they are man. They're not in school, they smoke weed every single day just about, they allow people who they hardly even know them to come over to their apt and smoke with em, they sleep on sheets in a crappy apt with no furniture or anything, and to make this all the worse..... they dropped out of school. The reason why i said that their wasting away was b/c they actually use to have plans to go to college and get career type jobs instead of minimum wage checks for the rest of their lives. And one of my main reasons for saying that was b/c another guy who i grew up with died in a car crash 3 months ago. Took the FD 3 hrs to get them out of that car(3 guys including herm) that was wrapped around a tree ed: . The 3 guys were driving high and they also had just left the same" type" of party that i had went to last friday on that night they died .....
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