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Default 11-24-2003, 11:55 AM

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
I hate KOTOR! Ever since I started playing, my sleep time has drastically
dimished to a point where I simply don't sleep at all! "Just one more quest"
"Just three more Pazaak games" "I'll explore the rest of this area first" etc.
I'm definitely loving being a Jedi (I can't bring myself to be an ass just yet)

But really, I love it. My only beef is that even with crystal powerups, your
sabre is still too weak (as if you'd need so many strikes to kill someone).
A minor nitpick, really. The game runs very well on my system (1.2G, 640
SD RAM, GF4 Ti4600).

Do you want to laugh ? I made a REAL fucking PAZAAK DECK.
Yes. I actually designed, printed and laminated game cards.
Same thing happens with me and Star Wars Galaxies!!! WTF!! We need to sue Lucasarts. Perhaps we could blame my fat assness on the part of the games.... oOo:
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