11-25-2003, 10:34 PM
Man my video prodution teacher tell it how it is. OH man the school administrator is a dumbshit. or yeah the head of hte tech wing just had to ask me to install a router what a fucking moron (no exagerations he says fuck, hell, bitch ,asss putz, shit, slut, porn, eveything teachers dont). My film study teacher doesnt talk muc hcaue we watch movies all day almsot everyday. MY math teachr used ot be a huge druggie and hitched hiked across the country. SHe will tell us random stories, or forget what we are doing or igure out that a math problem is wrong then set out to correct it for the entire class. Thats it. only teachers this semester
*EDIT* forgot to mention my vid. production teacher also teaches Cal. Phys. HE majored in advanced physics and worked on a nuclear sub i nthe navy. SO hes really really friggin smart