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Default 11-27-2003, 03:22 PM

It's good to see that he went. But on the other hand, he had to go in under cover of dark, why, becuase it is not safe there. Is he going to go out and meet the real people of Iraq, I doubt it. He wants to feel like the conquering hero, but he's not. This is more of a politcal photo-op than anything else. But in the end, he is a least making an attempt say thank you to the people that have to die for his administation's arrogance.

I suspect in the next 6 months Osama and Saddam will be convientally captured in time for the elections. Bush will then make a speech at Ground Zero in NY, saying how he is winning the "war" on terror. But in truth all Bush has done is fed the hate of the terrorists and caused thier ranks to swell.
So Mr. Bush enjoy your fanatasies, at the expense of other people who can't be with their families this holiday season, because they have to pay the price for your pride.
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