Originally Posted by ninty9
Originally Posted by yODa
Originally Posted by ninty9
The war on terror and the Iraq war had nothing to do with each other.
WWII was fought because Hitler decided to invade Poland. I don't think we had much of a choice back then. Saddam wasn't trying to take over the world or pressing his ideals on other countries. There are many countries around the world that are just as bad if not worse than Iraq was.
Pre-emptive strike is not a very good idea either. Thats fine if the US wants to protect itself and rid threats. But what stops Israle from tearing the shit out of palestine? Or N Korea taking on south korea, or Iran marching into Pakistan or Turkmenistan? Once the US does these things, they forefit the power to tell others not to do so.
u should watch the news,its palestine whos attacking israle,israle is just fighting back to keep their country safe.
Maybe you should go back to school and understand what i'm saying.
Would an invasion of Palestine be justified currenty? I doubt it. So if Bush can go into Iraq to wipe out that country, what is stopping the Isralies from going into palestine and wiping out them?
If the palestinians launched a large scale 9-11 type attack in which 3000 israelis died, then an israeli invasion and occupation of palastinian lands would be completly justified. When 9-11 happened we were caught with our pants at our ankles, completly unprepared. The adminstration took alot of heat, for not taking apropriate action to prevent the attack (even though clinton had numerous oprotunities to capture bin ladin and never acted on it). We are through playing games now, all countries and organization that are a threat to us, are being targeted for action. Iraq was just the first country to go in this war, other countries such as iran and syria will be next if they dont submit to inspections and stop funding terrorism. And don't think that any president would be doing what bush is doing in waging this global war on terrorism, hes had to take a stand on many issues that allienated alot of people and even close allies...but in the long run it was necessary, if a democrat would have been in office our only response to 9-11 would have been cruise missle strikes, air raids, and maybe some commando operations against al-queda bases in afganistan, you don't believe me? Look at our responses after the first world trade center bombing (none) , the al-queda sponsered embassy bombings (air strikes that ended up blowing up a pharmacy so they were stopped), and the al-queda attack on the uss cole (no response) all these events occured during clintons presidency and they only fueled the terrorist idea that america was soft and wouldnt respond to terror, and would leave as soon as their men started dying...bush's response suprised all of them, now the leaders of these organizations are in hiding and in fear of their life, sure their subordinates are rallying people to fight against us...but its time we made a stand and fight this battle, to the end.