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Madmartagen is Offline
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Default 11-29-2003, 03:34 PM

bush graduated from yale during a time where grades werent the only necessity for graduating. BTW he graduated from yale with a freakin C ok? if you go to an ivy league you should graduate with a B at least. as for his business, he was in the oil business, (same as his fathers) but blew it when his company went bankrupt. as for his election, he was completely defeated in his first run for governor but finally elected governor and president because of his fathers name and money. it was coreographed by his fathers minions: colin powell, al rowe, dick cheney, donald rumsfeld and john ashcroft. he bought the texas rangers then fucked up by trading sammy sosa away. George Bush jr is everything his father isnt, a loser.

as for the 'liberal' media like SNL, its just entertainment. they make fun of all the presidents, not just bush. they made fun of clintion on nearly every episode while he was in office, and when he was campaigning against bush sr.
quote phil hartman as clinton - 'im glad to say that arkansas is no longer the 50th state ranked in education, im glad to say that we beat mississippi" or something along those lines.

this isnt a republican vs democrat thing, its just that he isnt a good president. clinton had a high 70 percent approval rating when there was no war, and 70% of americans arent democrats. now that the fervor of 9/11 is dwindeling, bushs approval rating is dropping. the only reason why he had a high approval rating was because of 9/11.

i dont understand this blind loyalty to the president and calling people who disapprove of this countrys errors as traitors, 'liberals' or people who should 'STFU and leave if the dont like it.' i love this country and im not going to turn a blind eye to its mistakes or the mistakes of its leaders, whether it is bush or clinton or Alf. if you dont like bush or you like to make fun of him it doesnt mean you hate america or that you are a 'liberal.'
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