11-30-2003, 04:11 PM
[quote="Cpl. Eames"][ The adminstration took alot of heat, for not taking apropriate action to prevent the attack (even though clinton had numerous oprotunities to capture bin ladin and never acted on it).
dude what are you talking about. clinton sent missles to a place where he thought bin laden was hiding out (kinda like bush looking for saddam). after the 1993 attack on the WTC, Clinton got the arrests of ramzi yousef, abdul hakim murad and wali kham amin shah. clinton was in office for only 38 days when the WTC was hit the first time, but no one blamed Bush sr for this. why do you blame clinton for 9/11? Bush didnt have 38 days, he had 9 fuckin months to react to intelligence coming in from the CIA and FBI and what did he do?? HE TOOK A FUCKIN VACATION AFTER A FEW MONTHS OF OFFICE!! if there is any president to blame for 9/11 (which im not saying there is) it would be Bush, he fell asleep at the wheel after choking on a fucking pretzel.