Originally Posted by PAS312
all of you are kinda clueless here. RTCW engine? its just modified q3a....
And for the compatibility between MOHAA hacks and COD, little to none. The models are different so the model recognition is blown, and the engine cod runs on is quirky so the coding is only similiar, not the same.
This is an opengl hack, it could be either a loader (exe) that loads and injects the .dll or a plain .dll. Neither of which pure could stop, both of which Punkbuster could stop. And any newb can place a .dll or double click an exe to use the opengl hack, its easy. If you mean noobs cant create opengl hacks, then your right, but there are enough of us that know enough opengl to hack away.
And photoshopped? you've got to be retarded. Its colored models, why would anyone fake anything as easy as colored models????? From what i have seen, most of the return addresses for models have already been found....
WOW juggertards back, Still playing games, sucking badly and attempting to make hacks you little fuckstick?