Originally Posted by PAS312
i dont cheat for CoD, and i have yet to make a cheat for it. I dont play MOHAA except to mess around in friends servers (cheating most of the time) but i dont need more of your useless comments, your just obnoxious. and you do realize that juggernaut was my temporary name on this site only, my real alias is PAS312, and the juggernaut thing is kinda old/stupid.
so stfu Gertard <--- oh snap! i just rhymed tard with YOUR name! what now biatch! little fag...
Yeah sure you "just mess around in friends servers" with hacks, think ive heard that bs time and time again. Fact remains its retards like you that ruin online games, you suck so bad you gotta find some way not to suck so you attempt to develop little lame ass hacks, then probably still get your ass handed to you.
As for "biatch and little fag" ooh no ive been mortally wounded with that comment. oOo: rolleyes: