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Gaming Keyboard vs. Joystick
The_Pestilence is Offline
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Default Gaming Keyboard vs. Joystick - 12-01-2003, 07:34 PM

Coming from years of quake I used to use the MadKatz quake joystick that had a roller ball on the left and stick on the right. Plenty of buttons and great free look with the ball. Had to be the best stick i ever used. Broke it one day after a few years of use and have never seen one again. I've never seen anything like it again either.

Now I'm trying to find a new stick that compares as my left hand is kinda goofy from an accident that damaged some motor nerves making it very difficult to work the a-s-d-f-w-z-c keys. I had to modify the keys and it was still a pain. I tried the logitech wingman series and a few others but they all fail miserably with the free look and fire button.

Now I got the Z-Board with the MOHAA keyboard that has larger move buttons w/weapon buttons right above them. Other movement buttons close by help out. It's easier but I still want that awesome stick.

Anybody know of or use a kick ass stick??
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