12-01-2003, 10:58 PM
I don't have any problem whatsoever with freeing an opressed people. I think its great that saddam is gone. he was a tyrant and was ruthless to his people. The only problem I have with the war was that Bush lied to he world body about WMD. That was the whole reason for going to Iraq according to him. You could tell his other motives as we got closer to war he would add "regime change" to his speaches.
The point is if Bush had come out and said "SAddam is a bad guy and we want to prevent him from killing his own people, attacking another country and aquiring WMD" I know the UN would not have backed him, but he wouldn't have lied and I might have supported his decision.
I think the US population is confused. I don't like it when I hear that the war in Iraq was part of the war on terrorism. This upsets me. Saying this is using those who died on 9/11 as an excue to attack Iraq. Bush made no such connection and i'm glad he didn't. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 or al quedia.
All in all Bush told me that there was WMD in Iraq and that is why he must go there. There has not been any found, and I feel lied to. Now i'm glad Canada didn't commit troops, even though at the time I thought we should be there. And on that basis I don't feel the war is justified. Do I think the population is better off? Now maybe not so much but when they get everything under control and after a few years I think things will be much better.
And yeah Madmartagen, I think that was the video.