12-03-2003, 04:30 PM
Pinhead ,
Im 26 so I dont really qualify for the over 30 just yet , but let me fill you in real quick just the same.
I was a solgiar , now its my wifes turn. We have 2 small children and Im taking some college corses.
We also run a small HOME bussiness. I get most of the stuff done during the day and take care of the kids.
I have always had times where Im waiting on either the laundry , the cakes to bake , whatever. I spend that idle time in front of this monitor.
I dont leave the house until after 4PM weekdays.
I can easily see how people can spend time playing games or posting on fricken forums eat up some time.
We are not rich , but we don't do without either. And we always have time to ourselves and time togather as a familly. You could even go so far as to say between my wife and myself we have 4 jobs! lol!
P.S. Way to go Newt. Congrates!