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Re: Dear Mr. President
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Land of opportunity
Default Re: Dear Mr. President - 12-03-2003, 05:03 PM

[quote="Neef Bucks":7b27f]We will win the West.
Islam will rule the world.

Constitution for the new Islamic Republic of USA is under construction.

We will fight infidel to death.
Meanwhile, American laws will protect us.
Democrats and leftist will support us.
UNO will legitimize us.

Our children will immigrate from Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Indonesia and even from India to the US for education in full scholarship. America will pay the cost of our children’s educations and their upbringing.

We will use their welfare system. Our children will also send money home while they are preparing for Jihad. We will take advantage of American kindness, gullibility, and compassion. When time comes we will stab them in the back to death. We will say one thing on the camera and teach another thing to our children at home. We will teach our children Islamic value from the very childhood. We will teach them not to compromise with Infidel. Once we do that from the very early age our children won’t hesitate to martyr. We will take over the Europe and US. We already have a solid ground in the US, UK, Holland, Sweden, Spain, Italy and Germany.

Our children will marry Caucasian in Europe and in America. We will mixed with intricate fabric of the Western society but still will remember to Jihad when times come. Who we are? We are “sleeper cells”. We look like Americans and Europeans. Our children play with their children. We are your neighbors. We will raise our children to be loyal to Islam and Mohammad.

We will train our children for jihad and martyr. When real fighting starts we will hold our own children as our armor shield from Infidel's bullets. When American or Israeli troops shoot at us we will hold our own babies in front of us as armor. Imagine,… Imagine the news in the world newspapers. Death of Muslim babies by infidels.

We know CNN, ABC, CBS and BBC are broadcasting live. Al-Jazeera will pour gasoline on the fire. The news will spread like wild fire. “Americans killed 6 babies”. “Jews killed two women”, "Islam under Seize"...

Visualize the news flash all over the world, …Moslem mother is sobbing, ….crying. ….Her babies are killed by Jews and Americans, the whole world is watching,... live. Hundreds of millions of Muslims all around the world are boiling. They will march through Europe.

Palestinian issue will give us an excuse to fight with the US and Jews. Our main goal is to regain the old glory. We will use our women to produce more babies who will in turn can be used as armored shield. Our babies are the gift from Allah for Jihad.

West manufactures their tanks in the factory. We will manufacture our military force by natural means. That is the way it is cheaper.

You infidels at this FFI site cannot defeat us. We are 1.5 billion. We will double again. Do you have enough bullets to kill us?

We will always say, “Islam is the religion of Piece.”
We will say, “Jihad is actually inner Jihad.”

There will be more 911 in Europe and in America.
We will say, “We do not support terrorism but America got what it deserved because of its foreign policy.”

Muslims, CAIR, ISNA and other international Islamic Organization will unite. We will partner with ACLU, with Koffi Annan, the UN, and if we have to, then even with France. War of civilization has just begun.

We will use their own values of non-discriminating policy against them.

You are destined to loose.


Whoopty fuckin trembles...I wouldn't recommend you bring
your jihad down south to my neck of the would be destined to loose to an army of pickup trucks loaded with deer rifles and shot guns. It would be much harder for you to fit in and hide because we don't have near the racial diversity that affords you protection and cowardly hiding.
gg ragheadinstein stupid:
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