Originally Posted by Slaggg
Heh, nice try. No, not a fan boy. I just love baiting negative little fucks like you. And don't bother claiming your clinical depression as an excuse. Thing is, I can care less what your fucking problem is, I just love seeing all of you 'Expert Flamers', or as you little-dicks like to call yourselves "Vets". get your panties into a fucking bunch, thinking you are so high and mighty here, on the internet, on a supposed gaming forum.
Do you need more bait? Or will this suffice?
Oh "baiting me" so you're here to start a flame war is that what im reading? And if the above drivel is meant to be a flame heres some advice TRY AGAIN KID.
Never thought ofmyself as an expert flamer, but since the mighty slagg (everyone knows and loves eek: ) says it then it must be the truth... rolleyes:
That "flame" just pathetic wow you can use the word "fuck" and some varients of it. Not impressed, not worth my time please get off your soap box before you strain a brain muscle trying to think of a"flame" id hate to see you fall on your ass. oOo: