01-31-2002, 03:46 AM
hmmm thats odd guys.. im running a geforce 2 pro on an athlon 800 with 256mb ram and it's always playable... in advanced, i have all the settings maxed out. 32 for the color and texture depth and high for texture detail. 1024x768 resolution.
It feels like i run 30-45fps in general, i might drop to 20 on a few parts. I really dont think tweaking it is worth it. The game looks so nice with all the settings on, and 30fps-60fps isn't a big difference for your eyes.
Whats the command to show your fps in game anyways?
I didnt't feel any difference between running everything at low or medium settings at 800x600 and having it all maxed out at 1024x768.