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Default 12-05-2003, 06:15 PM

Well, you do realise that when your in space "floating" you're going 17,000 miles an hour in orbit? I don't see anyone on the ISS being pushed against walls or having to wear seatbelts. I'm telling you its not an issue.

The reason you seem to experience gravity in space is because there is extremely little gravitational pull being exerted on your body because you are far enough away from any planet not be pulled in or attracted to it. Therefore no matter what speed you travel at, inertia does not matter.

Atomic rockets could be used, however a large amount of radiation shielding would be required. The rockets would not use Uranim or Plutonium because it would requre too much of the material and wuldn't be feasible. Instead we would use Americium which would have to be processed since it isn't natural, but would require a much less amount of.

Has this thread turned into anti-US? I don't think so. If I ahve offended any Americans, I am sorry. I think I can still disagree with things the US does and not be anti-US. I don't agree with Bush wanting to go to the moon, and I expressed that. I don't think thats anti-US. I may have been a little abrupt in the way I went about it, and for that I also apologise, but I still stand by what I said. I am not anti-anything.
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