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Re: Best/worst etc game of the year
9mm BeRetTa is Offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Default Re: Best/worst etc game of the year - 12-07-2003, 12:06 AM

The best game of the year - Call Of Duty

The worst game of the year - Halo

The most disappointing game of the year - GTA: Vice City (just seemed to get boring after GTA3)

The sleeper of the game of the year - James Bond- Nightfire for PS2 (at least i think this was this year.)

The most buggiest game of the year - spearhead

The most overrated and underrated game of the year - Raven Shield = underrated, Halo = overrated

The best/ worst expansion pack of the year - spearhead

The game "that looked great but wouldn't work on your machine" of the year
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