Thread: office pools
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Default 12-07-2003, 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro always act like the west is the only place that cares about hockey.

If a west team made it to the final, you are damn well sure ontarians will be watching and wanting a canadian team to win. It's sad the west can't respect the maple leafs at all.

I'm sure the Swedes will watch the final if toronto is in it...
If the leafs made it to the final, I would want them to win. Any other game I would want them to lose, unless its against a west team, then I would want them to win so Calgary gets a playoff spot.

I was talking more about American viewers. NObody in the states cares about the leafs. And the states is where the majority of viewers comes from. The league could make a lot of money if they had the kind of numbers the nfl had for example.

Do you know why Westerners don't like the leafs? because everyone likes the leafs. If you go to a Calgary Edmonton or Vancouver home game, 25% of the fans are leaf fans. All we hear about on the Score and on TSN are the leafs first. After a saturday night the leafs are always the first team they do a report on, and it takes like 10 minutes, then they go on to the rest of the canadian teams and they just show the highlights, which takes 30 seconds. Then we have don cherry, which I like, but he doesn't stop talking about the leafs and almost every saturday night, a leafs game is played on CBC. No matter who their playing. It could be leafs - flordia or leafs minnesota. The most boring game in the world, and they will still play it. Other candian teams don't get respect and all we hear is about the leafs. all the media comes from ontario so all we get is leafs. And what does all this coverage get them? More money so you can go out and buy awesome players so you can get to the playoffs and sell out every single game. Thats how it goes.

Bottom line is western alienation. We get shit out here. All the politicians stay out east and only care about the east. Why do you think everyone in the west votes CA? Because we don't get any representation. Jean Chretien came to calgary like 3 times in 10 years. I thought he was supposed to be the prime minister. Same goes for hockey. We always get shafted. Westerners don't get represented. Thats why we don't like the leafs. Toronto is the centre of the univers right?
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