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H.M.S Hood is out now, you can download it at my site
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Default H.M.S Hood is out now, you can download it at my site - 12-08-2003, 01:31 AM

H.M.S Hood is out now, you can download it at my site .

This level (or these levels there is two hood and hood_as)has been nearly a year in the making not so much because it is so great but I am so very incompetent lol, but we wont labor the point hehe. But yes I made the hull for it about a year ago or more and have been promising to finish it for many months now. So here it is I hope it isn't a great disappointment. The map isn't very frame rate friendly because the q3 engine wasn't meant for this kind of big open complex level, but I did my best by adding all the tricks up my sleeve to make the fps as good as possible without making the ship look like a brick. You will find the usual bunch of ai doing more crazy stuff than ever, on one map (the as one) as allies you can wake up some help that is sleeping in the lower decks. In the hood map you, again as allies can go to the back shed near the crane and get help there too, I will let you find out how. Well that will do for now, I'm sure I missed lots of things I should say but its 1am and I need to sleep. To learn about bots head over to and read up on how to use the server side commands to change how many bots, and much more. Also you need jv's jv_bot0 or jv_bot01 to run the bots and for everything to work. Grab those files at the same address. I want too thank many people but I cant remember them all. But Corporal Punishment made the medic for me and Sgt Kia helped me with modeling. Also tltrude and JVmap helped me with this level as well. And Scorpio Midget did help me on many fronts as well, couldn't have done it without all the support. Thanks guys. To see all the features check out the movie soon to come.
Links to pics.
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