02-01-2002, 10:56 AM
These are suppose to be weapons hints and tips, not tactics. But since it seems to be both:
* Don't panic. If you have a rifle blasting way rarely works, but since MOST players just blast away if you can remain calm and AIM you will win even against the German Machine Gun. One well placed round from the M1 or mauser is all it takes. Though I am talking the CPR Realistic Damage servers, as that is all I play. But with a rifle you can kill from very far away if you aim well and up close if you don't panic and stop and aim chances are he will miss you while he is dancing around and you will lay him out.
* with the sub machine guns I try to fire UP the person and get several rounds in on up to the head (realistic server again, normal server the smg is worthless unless you get a head shot or the guy is already down to 4 pts etc.)
* Tactic hint: if you are in Round Match, or Burning Bridge's hybrid Objective match which also has the Round Match maps, the moment you spawn crouch down and do a 360 turn, as you might spawn right next to an enemy. Last night I did that and there he was, but I was crouched and he fired over me, I got him with one shot. Then I went up the stairs and there was another enemy standing right next to one of my teammates, neither had bothered to turn around and did not know the other was there! I got that second kill as well and saved my teammate's life.
* If you play with Friendly Fire on DON'T throw your grenades unless you have a target tossing them like mortar shells or into buildings when you were not the first guy to move forward will kill more friends than it will enemies!!
* Save your grenades. I get many more grenade kills by holding onto them and using them after everyone tossed theirs in the opening rush. Also they are great for ferriting out campers