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Default 12-09-2003, 03:10 PM

Originally Posted by Chango
Originally Posted by Noctis
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Hobbes
Jeez guys relax, the Secert Service investigate thousands of potential threats realistic and the not so realistic made against the President, its their job.

And with the history of violence in the rap industry it would be negligeny of them not to look into.
Name one non black on black violent crime that has been commited in association with anything to do with the rap industry.
Infact, name one act of violence by any one associated with the rap industry that was in anyway political.
Name one American skyscraper into which a Muslim flew a 747 prior to 9/11. k thx logic.
Let's not start this
K, all I was trying to say was that the rap industries history of violence is due to the nature of gangster rap. The violence never intentionally leaves that level, because you don't see President Bush running around sending diss tracks out to other rappers and putting hits out on them.

Then again, if this is a common dealing of the SS, then I suppose it would make sense to check EVERYONE, including celebrities.

It's just that the media make it seem as if Eminem is the only person that they'd check in these kinds of absurd circumstances. Which is just stupid.

Now, I can't wait for George Bush's diss track to Eminem. cool:
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