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Default 12-10-2003, 05:36 AM

Originally Posted by guarnere
lol ^

gatling know...the one in T2, or Predator rock:

side arm...(since im muscular and manly and have muscles and lots of sex) ill have a M4A1 slung across my back and for a use a luger cos they rock
heh, the Minigun.

There's no way you could carry one in real-life. The flying casings would leave you with many injuries, the recoil would break many of your bones and put you flat on your ass, you would only be able to carry enough ammo for a fraction of a second of fire, and it would weigh far too much for anyone to handle.


Field, jungle, etc.: M4A1 or SG552 or M249 SAW
Sniper: L96A1 or M82A1 or SPR
CQB: MP-5A3 or MP-5SD
Sidearm: Colt 1911 .45 MEU SOC
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