Thread: 'Aliens' mod
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'Aliens' mod
CoMaToSe is Offline
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Default 'Aliens' mod - 12-10-2003, 10:58 AM

Okay guys this is my first post. I am trying to put together a team to make an aliens mod for the allies. I require any able soldier and weapon skinners, and poosibly a mapper. I am a piareah of all these skills(means im no good at them), so I will mostly be involved in planning the mod, delivering pics to ppl that need them, and possibly planning out a map. Thank you for your time. If youn would be intrested in assisting me, semd an email to Put AliensMOD as subject, so my spam filter doesn't block it. Tell me what your skill is, so I can send you some information on what I want you to do.
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