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Madmartagen is Offline
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Location: Anaheim, CA
Default 12-10-2003, 11:30 PM

so far here is the situation. shes been with the company for several years and she would continue to work there if it werent the drive. im considering to relocate and get an apartment down there IF i cant find a job that pays as much as i do now at least. it is a hard decision, but i think it would be a good opportunity to continue to work with Sony. Me and my girl have been going out for a month and we're pretty involved. i spend the night at her house all the time, we're pretty romantic and i made her multi orgasmic. The part that sux is that she doesnt really care as much as i thought she did. im not forcing her to choose between us or anything like that, i just wanted her to think about it and she just blew it off. quote: "its your choice, either you stay with SEL or you stay here." like thats some kind of motivation right? whatever.

like i said, weve only been dating for a month, so its not like we're getting married. i really do care about her, and i would rather stay with her than break up, but ive blown a good opportunity for a girl and i dont want it to happen again. i guess i answered my own question eh? oOo:
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