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General of the Army
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Location: Ireland
Default 12-11-2003, 12:43 PM


Streetfigheter 2 (fucking addicted to that game musta pumped a few grand into that thing over the years with ease and got really good at it). Sf2 champion edition, turbo edition, new challengers, new challengers x. Mortal kombat, Mortal kombat 2.

atari 2600

Centipede millipede pacman mrs pacman...pacmans cousin twice removed..jesus did they ever milk that series for all it was worth. oOo:


Mario bros mario 1 2 and 3, ninja gaidan, ghostbusters 1&2. duckhunt...ph34r the accuracey of the zapper oOo: batman and a ton of other nes games.

Super N.E.S

Mario world, Streetfighter 2, Streetfigher 2 turbo, Streetfighter 2 new challengers, lemmings (loved that for some odd reason) mario kart <pwnage Final Fight, Starfox, uniracer <-- addicting as hell, killer instinct <the game they said the snes couldn;t do, A ton of others i can;t even remember

Nintendo 64

Killer instinct gold, Lylat wars, Mario kart 64, mario 64 (<- first 3d game bar none another landmark for gaming and nintendo had to be the ones doing it) cant really remember a lot of my n64 games, id sorta grown out of the whole console gaming thing by then.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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