12-11-2003, 08:53 PM
all pc:
quest for glory 1-4
conquest of longbow
conquest of camelot
king quest 5, 7
monkey island 3
full throttle
the dig
day of the tentacle
wing commander 1-5
xcom 1-3
ultima 4,7,8
world of ultima: savage empire
sword of the samurai
romance of 3 kingdom 1-5
warcraft 1,2
dungeon keeper 1-2
theme hospital
defender of the crown
aces of pacific
aces of europe
b17 flying fotress
commander keen 1-3?
earthworm jim
wolfenstein 3d
duke nukem
crusader: no regret
crusader: no remorse
star control 2
little big adventure (twinsen's) 1-2
mechwarrior 2,3,mercenaries
ancient art of war
ancient art of war at sea
and a lot more that i couldn't think of right now.... freak: