12-12-2003, 05:18 AM
Wait a sec there big guy. All I was saying was that it's very premature, and stupid, to assume that a Cod2 was to be released in 2004 when there are no factual statements to back it up. I can care less where Buckshit got his links from. The fact is, the original article posted stated that Activision is planning on extending the CoD franchise AFTER console ports are released in 2004. And his subsequent link backing up his stance was nothing more than additional conjecture.
Whether IW remains an entity of ATVI is another matter. Activison swallowed IW, signing all of the important IW members to long-term contracts. That tells me that they had console ports of CoD planned all along. If the sales of PC CoD met with expectations, then sequel(s) would be developed.