Originally Posted by Cold
I myself am against it, Aus got rid of all of their guns, their crime rate went up, along with the murder and stolen property.....so I have heard....it sounds really stupid, but if more people had guns the crime rate would go down because a criminal isnt going to come into your house unarmed if he thinks you have a gun in the dresser beside your bed....
Australia controlled guns and our crime rate went up? What frigging planet are you on, mate? I am actually proud of the fact that only 69 people per year in Australia are killed by guns. Compare that to the US 11,000. Auto rifles and handguns should be controlled. Hunting rifles and shotguns are OK. In Australia, the only people I know who own guns are people who live on properties and guns are used to control pests and threats to livestock.
also, increasing the no. of guns is going to make the crime rate soar. the scenario you depict sounds OK. but arguements on the street are going to end up with someone dead rather than someone with a black eye.
Also if people come out with the "control guns, then you'd have to control other stuff like knives" is BS. You can run away from a guy with a knife. I'd much rather swallow my pride and bolt and live, rather than take on a guy with a knife.