Originally Posted by JBird
Originally Posted by Madmartagen
i'll be there opening day at midnight. it will be empty and i will be able to get the back center seat and make all the weird noises i want during the movie. as much as the second movie blew, im hoping that peter jackson doesnt turn into george lucas and ruin the series by showing just how gay frodo and sam can get with a naked golum running around. ive never read the book, but im hoping all the hobits die, and i get to see liv tyler and cate blanchett nude.
hey martagen, i dont wanna flame ya here...but saying the second movie blew....and then following up with
"ive never read the book"
The second movie imo wasnt as good as the first, in fact it sucked except for the part when the trees attacked the white wizard. I haven't read the books, so I don't know how the third one ends or what to expect. All I know is that there is supposed to be some great battle going on, but thats what everyone said about the two towers, and that siege was horrible. It was completely ruined with Legolas and Gimli getting their fag on during the battle, while at the same time, the director tried to infix the impression that the soldiers were in a state of grave morale. I don't see how these two characters could deteriorate from expert fighters to jackasses who shout out kills, and slide down the stairs on a shield to shoot 3 or 4 orcs. Plus, if Legolas is an expert archer, which was shown in the first movie, how come he couldn't kill a single orc when the critical moment occured? I am pretty skeptical about this film because of the huge let down ratio of movie series in general.