Originally Posted by JBird
nyck, just a suggestion here. why didnt you make one thread, called i dunno "bunch of cool owned vids" or something...and post all of the links in it. instead of making a baker's dozen amount of threads each with no text and just a vid link ed:
Originally Posted by NyckMSS
I was bored and checked out college humor and found a few vid clips..and thought I would share them..Dont worry..Im expecting to get flamed plenty because of it.
if you dont..oh well doesnt hurt me any. just trying to contribute but realize I should just consolidate them all into one post..my fault I'll combine them from now on
Yea i stated that in another one I realized it and said my bad..but Tripper and levingstein are the masters of all content and bombed me on it..That was my bad if i had the ability to I would..again my fault