Thread: Gun control?
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Madmartagen is Offline
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Default 12-14-2003, 04:23 AM

[quote="ErichHartmann :My dads a miami police officer which all of miami police officer's think owning a gun is the perfect thing to stop the crime. Guns control well just keep taking away little by little your gun.
Now, back to this quote. Well buddy what you just said is basicly the same thing as saying why does the military have Mg's and snipers and anti tank guns. Well, then why don't they take away Mg's from them
and let them pistols from a 2 mile radius to kill someone.
So when it comes to hunting for example we go hunting and i bring a gun and a bear comes to ram both of us. We shouldn't kill it to save are own life for to save animal. Then i would think your a tree hugger.
So i will never support gun controll for these democrats which all of them want your guns.[/quote]

The term 'gun control' doesn't involve the military whatsoever. Gun control is an issue among the civilian population, not the military. What does a civilian need a .50 sniper rifle or an assault rifle for? Another thing, you can go to any gun store and get an m16 LIKE rifle that is semiautomatic only, not full automatic. Thats ok since its just basically a rifle, and rifles are fine with me, I have one myself and I don't rob banks, sell drugs, or raise small bands of counter-insurgents in my backyard.

And another thing, never in my life would I go fuck with a goddamned bear, ok? you've got to be a fucking retard to go and look for a bear to kill, so when you said 'we,' you were actually saying 'I' and 'myself.' If by some remote chance, Baloo wandered into my house in Anaheim, CA, I would obviously have to kill it because when it comes down to the point of life or death, it's obviously not a hard choice. Now I don't know if being mauled or rammed by a bear is a daily threat in your life, but it isn't for me. One thing you can do to avoid a dangerous attack by a bear in your own home is to close the door and lock it so it can't come inside. I don't think Michael Chrichton included door opening bears in Jurassic Park, but if you are mauled by a bear, you basically went out of your way and made an appointment for that.

BTW anyone who tries to break into my house will get his shit pushed in by myself, my brother, father and neighbors after he is mauled by my dogs, ok?
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