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Default 12-14-2003, 03:07 PM

Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Originally Posted by JBird
lol, i want to see all the canadians talk their shit now "america and their stupid war, what do you have to show for it? no osama no saddam. oh wait, well, no osama! "

JBird is right all you guys do is bitch on how we cant find him and what do we do? WE find the bastard. Youve got no right to bitch about how bush is bad.
Where are the WMD? Wasn't that what this war was about? Also, Just because we live in Canada doesn't mean we can't see how much of a moron Bush is.

Another thing, why would we be bitching that the US hasn't found Osama? Last time I checked we supported the War on Terrorism in Afghanistan, and were helping search for him.
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