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12-14-2003, 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Innoxx
Against the UN accords. There's over 200 countries in the world and a lot of them have the same sutuation. Look how disloyal the Iraqi army was. If the Iraqi people took up arms they could've easily taken Saddam. They didn't because Saddam did provide them something VERY important, ECONOMIC STABILITY.
If you go on the streets of Baghdad right now and ask if they prefered Saddam to the current situation, maybe 90% would prefer Saddam.
What's the point of the picture of the dead child and it's mother? The US bombed Iraq on a weekly basis since '91 up until this war. How many children died then? I've also read on how 9 children and one dult died in Afghanistan last week when an American fighter plane dropped a bomb on a group of school children because they thought they were Al Quaeda.
You'll never read about that shit in American media.