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Default 12-14-2003, 06:15 PM

I don't believe you guys are still fighting about this.

Look it is impossible for us to know EXACTLY why we went to war with Iraq. It is quite possible that the Government of the United States knows something we don't.

The story given to us is the Imediate tread of WMD. This is possible because we were not in the palace with Saddam talking about his next moves with him.
Saddam has or did have WMD. We know this because Reagan gave them to him to stop the Iraq-Iran war in the mid 80s. Now he very well could have hidden them to use later , sold them to the highest bidder , or dismantled them for the greater good of humanity. who knows..... Not me.

Some believe it was good to go in there and oust the Bath party. Others think the war was wrong. Either way we simply don't have all the facts. The US has a long history of cover-up operations for the greater good.

Hell look at UFOs. Do you honestly think it would have been in the US best interest to tell the world they were working on Top Secret Spy planes in the middle of the cold war?

At least this much is sure.....

Saddam was a tyrant and villian of the Iraqi people.
He killed and torchered thousands of people.
The Iraqi people now have the oppertunity to call him on that.
The liberation of Iraq is like putting a police station in the hood. It will help to promote ballance and justice in the worst part of the world.

I don't want to come off as an individual whom places total trust in my government. I'm not. I just understand that there are things that the public does not know. And there is a reason for that.

It is useless to argue over what was done is right or wrong. Simply because it is Done. We can now only move forward and decide what the best action is now.
I do know this is a constant fight against terrorism. You may disagree , and thats fine. I have know way of knowing what Saddam was up to. Maybe he is involved , maybe he is not.
But this fight is very similar to the war on drugs. It is not always faught against those directly involved. It is a fight on all fronts to make the world a safer place.

Instead of focasing on what you don't agree apon , why not look at what you do. The team that found and caught him was not only Americans. I don't know exactly but the term used was colition (Sp?).

The world is changing around us guys , and I think it's changing for the better.

I'm not trying to argue with anyone about thier views on the issues at hand. I just think it is a great day for freedom and we should be grateful to those who made it possible.
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