Originally Posted by guarnere
lmao @ what innox said...
"If you go on the streets of Baghdad right now and ask if they prefered Saddam to the current situation, maybe 90% would prefer Saddam."
..well duh innoxx, that convieniently glosses over the fact that "the current situation" means that all attempts
at re-building the country are being voilently undermined by fundamentalist/al queda forces. eg: the Iraqi people
want law and order and their own non baa'thist police force, al queda says no you can't have that and we will kill you ourselves if you try.
If the US and allies were actually able to reconstruct without being bombed every day, I'm sure
the Iraqi people would see rapid change for the better, and that 90/10% ratio would be reversed.
They could then be left in peace to get on with tearing each others throats
out over who's a sunni and who's shi'ite, but that's another story.