12-14-2003, 07:06 PM
Earmes, dont turn this into a fucking liberal vs. conservative issue again. You always do that shit and its really fucking annoying. All you do is blame democrats, liberals, and people who don't think the same way Bush tells them too. It isnt liberals and hippies who divide this country, its ignorant jerkoffs like you who point the finger at everyone who doesnt want to play ball with Bush. It is so ridiculous to blame everything on the previous administration, ok? No one blamed Bush Sr. when the WTC was attacked the first time, and Clinton got the heat for it even though he was in office for only 48 days. Bush Jr. used Clintons military to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan. How do I know that? Because Bush spent his first year taking a nap and going on vacation. He also didnt create a military budget until October of 2002, a whole year after the Afghanistan campaign. Ergo, if the military was underfunded or suffered from budget cuts, it would not have been able to perform so brilliantly in Afghanistan. I'm a liberal, I'm glad Saddam is in jail, and I give Bush credit for sending our men in to get the job done whether there are WMD's or not. So for God's sake just enjoy the moment that is today, before everyone goes back to their party-biased bullshit.