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Default 12-14-2003, 10:12 PM

it was because token thought that minor posted a link to her private message box.. which i would think that when her boyfriend clicked on the link and saw that it went to his private message box that they would have understood that the link took you to your OWN private message box... minor got an interesting message and was trying to post his link in the forum for people to see.. and it didn't work... so that is what that is all about and apparently they had other festering issues with me... so... i dunno... I am not with them anymore and don't wanna be associated with them.. flagg has left and then joined and left and joined and now he is over it all again.. .lol.. so who knows..

but i have been hanging out in the {cl} servers.. go to and the ips are there and their skins and my new one with out the esb patch...

they are cool and drama free a refreshing change from esb who thrive on drama but say they "hate"

anywho.. I will be around and about... i feel dirty now since my sig was messed with so i will be messin in photoshop tonight for a new on.. pitty since i really liked that one... oh well

talk to you later
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