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Default 02-01-2002, 01:39 AM

Here's an easter egg:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Hi,

In the sniper's last stand level, on hard difficulty, I managed to save all allied soldiers (5 I think). On the next level I got to the tank with all the tank crew alive and all the soldiers from the next level also alive (counting me, we were 7 allied soldiers).

After I got to the tank my screen went blank and the sign "You have 60 seconds to find a safe hiding spot and then Bazooka-Med will be on your trail", then I saw a countdown and after that the camera switched to Bazooka-Med and "Ready or not, here I come!" appeared. After that Bazooka-Med went looking for me through all the level until he found my trail (don't know how) and "BAZOOKA MED HAS THE TRAIL!!" appeared, he went where I was hiding, shot me with the bazooka and "You lose. Hide better" appeared.

After that, I continued with the normal Tiger tank level. I don't know what happens if bazooka med doesn't find me. I'll keep on trying. By the way, on my list of saved games I have a new savegame called "The Void - Starting".
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