Thread: lmao Canada
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Default 12-16-2003, 04:06 AM

Originally Posted by ShagNasty
[quote:94953]ok ok , you win, my country suck blaaa blaa blaa, yours is the best.
true words very true j/k. I like canadas free health care that rocks I wish we had it. I like Canada decriminalization of weed too. the funny thing is most Americans dont ever think about Canada but they seem to think of us. Why is that. Why do you care if Bush is an idiot, he is not your pres. Nothing he does will affect you, you are our allies. I think there is some jealousy going on. Of course you will never admit it, but there is no other reason to hate a country that barely acknowledges your existence. i mean come on you guys send people down here and say shit like your capital is an iglo to say how dumb we are. we dont send or shows up there to rip on you guys, why because we dont care about you.[/quote:94953]

Thank you for proving your knowledge of Canadian/American relations.

Things Bush does has a major effect on us. Have you not heard of the beef ban or the softwood lumber tariff. Hundreds of lumber yards were forced to shut down leaving thousands with out jobs. Plus, the tariff really is illegal in the first place, due to the NAFTA Agreement. And farmers up here are lossing millions by the day because of the ban on Canadian beef. It was just one cow, we found it, destroyed it, and the problems over, there wasn't even a problem in the first place. Yet, the beef ban continued for months. Billions of dollars were lost, and the beef industry up here will probably never fully recover.

Now, could a mod be so kind as to end this internation pissing contest by locking this stupid thread. Thank You.