Thread: lmao Canada
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Default 12-16-2003, 02:44 PM

OK..ENOUGH...I have made posts and threads recently talking
about some of the Canadians on this board making too much
Anti-American comments (policy, president, generally being assholes or stupied etc.) Now it seems that a Canada vs. USA flame war has erupted.
It also seems that the Canadian's have recieved their fair amount of flames
recently since this began. Now that everyone has had a chance to get the flaming out of their systems and that the problem is not just one sided,
everyone should let it go.
I don't see any problem disagreeing with each other's countries policies
leaders, ect., but just do it in a respectful manner without all the stereotypes. Drop the Canada sucks because.., or Bush is a monkey who should die,or all of you assholeswhen referring to people from other
countries and there shouldn't be a problem.
Point is: this forum has members from all over the world, nobody's country
is right or wrong all the time. Just use a little tact and maintain some level of maturity when discussing someone else's country.
end of rant.... rock: rock: rock: rock: rock: rock: