Hi there, if you have read my post about unrealmod I am trying to make map mods integraded into rcon. I have succeeded in my goal, though now I need to make more mods...
Any ideas or links to currently made mods would be super. I am looking for things like plane mods, tanks, dogs, any type of special effect. I am NOT looking for realism mods, there are enough of those as is. Please help me make my mod better for you.
Please do not post unrealistic mod ideas like driving cars and flying helicopters. I already heard them before and yes, it is world war II.
How to submit a mod idea:
1. Think of other server you have been in, what did you like about them?
2. Type up an email, and send it to
bms112887@insightbb.com Or post here.
3. For a faster reply IM me, more contact info below.
4. If I can use your idea, or I really like it, or you can help me make a mod, you get rcon. If you tell me that you want a helicopter, or little kids. I get the taliban to take you away.
Take a look at my progress: Server IP:
If you want to help me admin my server I dont mind giving out the password.
AIM: Unrealsniper42 MSN: bms112887@msn.com