Thread: Foot doctor...
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Foot doctor...
Is This Teh 70s? is Offline
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Default Foot doctor... - 12-17-2003, 04:27 PM

So my mother takes my brother to the foot doctor today, while I'm at school...cause he had an in grown toenail or some shit, anyways the doctor screws up somehow spills some chemical on my brothers foot on the bottom of the sole ... and he has 2nd degree chemical burns ... I'll make sure that's what he has, but anyways, then the doctor gives my mom a 2 year old bottle of some foot crap for the toenail ... and my mom doesn't notice it till she's in the car, my brother was crying cause he's in so much pain, and the doctor said whoops i don't know how that spilled on his foot, the foot doctor fucked up. So my mom takes my bro to our normal "family doctor" and he gives my mom the medicines and creams and crap ... cause of the 2nd degree chemical burns...

So about the fuck ass for a foot doctor what should I do about him?
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