From This site:
2015 is an excellent Dev Team and we as a community understand that and appreciate your hard work.
There are serious problems that are interfering with people's enjoyment of the game - especially when compared to the basic features in other existing online games (i.e. RTCW and Tribes 2):
1. Manon's sounds are all messed, she sounds like a he now when she falls or dies.
3. We need an Anti-Teamkilling Kick System (either auto-kick or complaint based).
4. We need an Anti-Text and Voice (chat) Spam System (see RTCW's latest patch).
5. We need a menu driven voting system - including the ability to have team based votes so it only requires the majority of a team (not the entire server list of players) to kick a bad player.
6. The game crashes for a lot of people playing with XP and some other OS'es - often with repeating sounds.
7. The game has major issues with snipers and rockets.
It hurts the Omaha map and a person can kill you with a rocket up close and survive - the game becomes a sniper/rocket fest.
Some solutions to the sniper/rocket issue:
There needs to be a way to limit the amount of weapons (of all types) - server variable setting.
Sniper scope sway (such in RTCW) - as it is now a person can run/walk and snipe - this would make it more difficult to snipe while running and make the game less of a sniper fest - especially the Omaha map.
Variable sniper zoom with magnification restrictions as a server variable - this way it requires time to zoom via the sniper rifle and the server can limit how far to prevent a sniper fest.
When a player hits another with a rocket, up close, he needs to die - this would prevent the rocket from being used as a standard up-close spam weapon.
8. This is more of a question than a suggestion or correction related to 3D sound in MOH:AA:
This is pure speculation until I find the truth.
The thing is with moh:aa there are no '3d sound drivers'. I am wondering if they simply did it with the sound itself so the designer recorded sounds to give off those sound cues (ricochets from such and such location) gun shots from behind are a different sound file than in front.
If that's the case it does have 3D but not in the typical implementation.
In otherwords the Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs) are recorded in the actual sound files and certain files are played depending on where you are - and their sound levels adjusted accordingly - as opposed to playing a generic sound file and depending on the sound card driver to translate the HRTFs (through Sensaura, EAX, DSD3D) in order to provide 3D positioning.
It would explain why 4 speaker mode wouldn't work because it wouldn't properly translate via all 4 speakers, but 2 speaker would sort of work, and headphones would definetly work.
I'll see if there are different wav files for different sounds (front and back) .. if so it means that's how it was done (which explains why the majority of the game is tons of wav files), but if not, I'm just hearing things. =)
Or the game's sound engine is adjusting HRTFs independently of the sound card drivers - which is more likely.
9. When a person grabs a turret it looks like it's floating in mid-air, above the hands.
10. We need a menu option to turn V-Sync On or Off.
11. Need a menu option to disable the introduction movie - while still retaining the EA logo screen.
12. Demo recording and playback is not available in the menus (does it exist?).
13. The game has major clipping issues:
Often a person is seen half way in an object and guns are sticking out of walls - destroying any sort of stealthy gameplay.
I understand most of the clipping issues appear to occur with guns sticking through walls.
Is it possible to extend the 'player box' so this doesn't happen?
The other possibilities is adding an animation to push back the weapon when it hits a wall.
But it seems extending the 'collision box' (not sure of the terminology) would help alleviate much of the clipping problems.
14. Dropped weapons and weapons changing (main weapon to grenade to pistol, etc) bug:
Many people are having problems on servers where a weapon will drop or change randomly for no reason.
This could be a netcode bug or a hack - I've heard that some people have a hack that can do this - an investigation is needed.
It seems to occur more often after "patch 1.1". Please don't reverse this patch, it improves the netcode a lot - it may just need tweaking - if it is a netcode issue.
15. We need a linux dedicated server - this will give us the potential of getting more powerful servers - such as business or school servers.
I think that this is some very good ideas. I also think that this game should have smoke grenades....if possible that they do not lag the living hell outta people....CS has smoke grenades and they do not lag me so should this game.
I think they should just work more on the MP problems as that is where people are going to get excited about this.
"Bro we hunt rabbits, deer and sometimes if we are really bored we will just empty about 1000 round belts into the woods .. My friends are sick like that." - Joey