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Default 12-19-2003, 05:52 PM

[quote="- MasTa SnIpa -":7955e]Hey Proteus thanks for bashing my stuff but just to tell you that shit you just made (shit being the best possible word to describe that) takes no skill at all. All of em except two actually have NO knowledge of photoshop involved. All you did is fucking copy ONE picture throw it onto a blank sheet and add some text, you said my stuff was horrible, well my dog takes more creative shits than you just put out. Atleast mine are different and anyone who has absolutly NO knowledge of the program couldn't just make one.

But what I am really trying to say is that anyone who just incouraged him by saying those were good should burn in hell (or somewhere that is extremely hot).[/quote:7955e]

Okay, whoa. Hold on. First off, I told you your shit sucks, because, comon I mean let's just face it. It fucking sucks. Second off, with the time I had, the high level of bordom, and my stunning generosity, I figured I would do him a favor and make him all of those image.

Now, I can understand, what with you being a fucking dolt, that you can't really comprehend that I wasn't going to take my sweet time with every single one of those. With the amount of fucking pictures I had to do and the time it was, I think it was around 9:00, I wasn't going to spend twenty minutes on each image. I'm sure that your dog takes pretty amazing shits, and I'm sorry I'm not there to see any, but I think that I did pretty well for about 10 pics in 20 minutes. Not to mention it's for school, I'm not going to have some stupid ass bogus piece-of-shit "cool looking" design if he needs to use it for school. I would think that the teacher would want to see a picture of the person and recognize who it is. Not so bullshit abstract shit with a cool text.

Once again, sorry that they're not fancy and filtered to an almighty hell and sorry I didn't layer style and overlay whore everything, I hope you can accept my most heart-felt appology.

You fucking MORON. If you think those are bad, you'd probably cry if you saw what you could do with twenty minutes. I dare not speak of it. But if you think they're that bad, and you think your dog can take some pretty good lookin' shits, then please, go ahead and make them all and get back to me.

Creativity; once again, I thought, was not in the question. It's for fucking school you stupid shit. I can't believe you just fucking said that.
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