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[MC]_He@d$h0t is Offline
Posts: 55
Join Date: Oct 2003
Default 12-20-2003, 03:57 PM

I propose that we execute a standard ambush.


In this picture, the red line indicates the journey taken by the target. As you can see, they travel north-north-west through two corners in a road. The target will be used to taking this route, and will therefore be slightly off guard. We will place you in the Car Park as our main attack force, and 1 big friend will each be placed in the Shop and the Office Building to cut off the 2 escape routes.


When the target reach the first corner, the main attack force will attack. The cut off force in the shop is not to attack when the target pass them, and are to reamian consealed until contact is made by the attack force. When contact is made the cut off forces will then move into the street and prevent any escape, and will assist the main attack force if needed. Job done, the target is dead.

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